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Submitting your work (GitHub)

We are using GitHub to submit the solutions. Each laboratory is submitted in a GitHub repository that you will create through a provided link. The solution of the laboratory exercises is created within these repositories, then committed and pushed to GitHub. The submission is finished with a pull request assigned to the laboratory instructor with GitHub name mradazzouz.


The submission requirements detailed below are mandatory. Submissions not following these guidelines are not graded.

Short version, aka. TL;DR

The detailed description below shows the entire procedure. This summary is an overview of the whole process.

  1. The lab exercises are solved in a dedicated GitHub repository created using a GitHub Classroom invitation link published in Moodle.

  2. Your solution is submitted on a new branch, not on master. You can create any number of commits on this branch. You need to push these commits to GitHub.

  3. You submit your final solution through a pull request assigned to the laboratory instructor.

  4. You can ask questions regarding the results and evaluation in the pull request comment thread. To notify your instructor use the @name annotation in the comment text.

Starting your work: git checkout

  1. Register a GitHub account if you don't have one yet.

  2. Open the course page in Moodle and find the invitation URL. This link is different for each lab; make sure to use the right one.

  3. If needed, authorize the GitHub Classroom application to use your account data. (This page will be displayed the first time you click the link in the previous step.)

    Authorize GitHub classroom

  4. You will see a page where you can "Accept the ... assignment". Click the button.

    Accept assignment

  5. Wait for the repository creation to finish. You will get the repository URL here.


    The repository will be private. No one but you and the instructors will see it.

    Repository created

  6. Open the repository webpage by following the link. You will need this URL, so remember it.

    Repository webpage

  7. Clone your repository. You will need the repository git URL, which you can get from the repository webpage following the Clone or download button.

    You may use any git client. The simplest one is GitHub Desktop if you do not have a favorite yet. You can list your repositories in this application directly from GitHub.

    GitHub Desktop repository clone

    If you are using the console or shell, the following command performs the clone (if the git command is available): git clone <repository link>

  8. If the cloning is successful, DO NOT START WORKING YET! The solution should not be committed to the repository master branch. Instead, create a new branch with the name solution.

    In GitHub Desktop, use the Branch menu for creating a new one.

    GitHub Desktop create branch

    If using the console, use the following command: git checkout -b solution

  9. Complete the exercises on this branch. You may have any number of commits and pushes.

    In university laboratories

    Before you make your first commit, check whether your name and email address are properly configured. You can check this using the following commands.

    git config
    git config

    If the values are not correct, set your name and email address with the following commands executed in the repository directory. This will set the values for the repository. (It is recommended to set the email address to the one you use with GitHub.)

    git config "John Doe"
    git config ""

    At home

    When working from home, you may want to set the name and email address globally using the --global switch in the commands above.

    To commit using GitHub Desktop, first check if you are on the correct branch. During the first push, the solution branch needs to be published.

    GitHub Desktop push branch

    When adding further commits, verify the branch. You can publish the commit using the Push origin button. The tiny number on this button shows you how many commits need pushing.

    GitHub Desktop commit and push

    If you are using the console, use the following commands:

    # Check the current branch and the files modified
    git status
    # Prepares all changes for commit
    git add .
    # Commit
    git commit -m "f1"
    # Push the new branch (first time)
    git push --set-upstream origin solution
    # Push further commits
    git push

Submitting the solution

  1. When you are ready with the exercises, verify on the repository web page that you uploaded everything. You may need to switch branches.

    GitHub web switch branch

    GitHub web file upload

    We recommend that you do not use the GitHub web file upload. If something is missing, add it to your local repository and commit and push again.

  2. When you are truly ready, open a pull request.

    Why the pull request?

    This pull request combines all changes you made and shows us the final result. This helps the laboratory instructor to evaluate your submission more easily. This pull request means you submit your solution; hence this step cannot be omitted.

    To open the pull request, you need to go to the repository's GitHub web frontend. If you pushed recently, GitHub offers you to create the pull request.

    GitHub create pull request

    You may also open the pull request from the menu at the top. It is important to specify the correct branches: master is the target into which solution is merged.

    GitHub create pull request

    When the pull request is created, you will see a little number "1" on the Pull request menu showing you that there is one open item there. YOU ARE NOT FINISHED YET!

    GitHub create pull request

  3. The pull request will trigger a preliminary evaluation. You will see the result of this evaluation as a comment added to the pull request thread.

    This will be different for each laboratory. You will see the result in a comment in the pull request thread.

    GitHub create pull request

    If you need more information about the evaluation and the results, GitHub Actions can provide you more. A short introduction is provided here.

  4. If you are not satisfied with your work, you can make further changes. You only need to commit and push your changes. Any changes pushed will re-trigger the evaluation of the pull request. We ask that you trigger NO MORE THAN 5 evaluations!

    Making further changes without running the evaluation

    If you want to make changes to your submission and not have the re-evaluation run, you should convert the pull request to draft.

    GitHub create pull request

    This state means work in progress. You can commit and push freely. These will not trigger any evaluation. Once ready, you must change the state back: go to the bottom of the PR and click "Ready for review." This will set the PR back to its normal state and trigger an automated evaluation.

    GitHub create pull request

    Maximum 5

    Evaluations that fail due to transient errors, such as network problems, are not counted into the 5 evaluations. But if you trigger more evaluation by mistake or on purpose, it will be sanctioned. You are required to test your solution locally before submitting it.

  5. FINALLY, when you are ready, assign the pull request to your laboratory instructor. This step is considered as the submission of your work.

    GitHub create pull request

    Without pull request

    If you have no pull request, or it is not assigned to the instructor, we consider it work in progress and not submitted.


    Now you are ready. After assigning the pull request, make no further changes. The instructor will evaluate the submission and close the pull request.

Questions and complaints regarding the final result

If you have questions or concerns regarding the automated evaluation, use the pull request for communication with the instructor by asking questions via comments. To let the instructor know you have questions, please use @mradazzouz mention in the PR comment. This will automatically send an email notification.

GitHub PR asking questions

Please provide proof

Please note that if you think the evaluation made a mistake, you must support your question/complaint with proof (e.g., show how you tested your solution and prove that it worked).

2022-02-14 Szerzők