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Sample database scheme

The examples and seminars during the semester will use a sample database. The database is a simplified retail management system with products, customers, and orders. This description details the relational schema of the database; the MongoDB variant is the appropriate mirror of this scheme.

The context of the database

The system is designed to help the retail process of products. The products are grouped into hierarchical categories. Customers can browse products, place orders, and track the status of the orders.

Customers can have multiple sites (e.g., retail stores of one company with multiple addresses). The order can be completed to any of these sites. Each customer has exactly one "main site," which is where the invoices are addressed. An order can have multiple items; each item has its status.

An invoice is printed if the order is ready. An invoice cannot be changed once it is created. Different products have different VAT (value-added tax) rates. These VAT rates are subject to change over time, but these changes must not affect existing invoices.

Data scheme

The model of the whole database is depicted below.

Data scheme

Tables and columns

Table Column Description
VAT ID Auto-generated primary key.
Percentage The percentage of the value-added tax.
PaymentMethod ID Auto-generated primary key.
Method Short name of the payment method, e.g., cash or wire transfer.
Deadline The deadline of the payment method, that is, the deadline for completing the transaction after the invoice is received.
Status ID Auto-generated primary key.
Name Short name of the status (e.g., new, processed).
Category ID Auto-generated primary key.
Name Name of the category, e.g., toys, LEGO, etc.
ParentCategoryID Foreign key indicating the parent category; null if this is a top-level category.
Product ID Auto-generated primary key.
Name Product name.
Price Product price without tax.
Stock Amount of this product in stock.
VATID Foreign key to the VAT table.
CategoryID Foreign key to the Category table.
Description XML description of the product.
Customer ID Auto-generated primary key.
Name Customer name.
BankAccount Back account number of the customer.
Login Login name for the webshop.
Password Password for the webshop.
Email Email address of the customer.
MainCustomerSiteID The main site of the customer; a foreign key to the CustomerSite table.
CustomerSite ID Auto-generated primary key.
ZipCode The zip code of the address.
City The city part of the address.
Street The street and house number part of the address.
Tel Telephone number.
Fax Fax number.
CustomerID Foreign key to the Customer table.
Order ID Auto-generated primary key.
Date Date when the order was placed.
Deadline Deadline until the order must be completed.
CustomerSiteID Foreign key to the CustomerSite table; the order is billed and shipped to this site.
StatusID Foreign key to the Status table; the actual status of the order.
PaymentMethodID Foreign key to the PaymentMethod table; the chosen method of payment.
OrderItem ID Auto-generated primary key.
Amount The amount ordered of the specific product.
Price The unit price of the product; by default this is the price of the product, but can be altered (e.g. for bulk order).
OrderID Foreign key to the Order table; identifier the order this item belongs to.
ProductID Foreign key to the Product table; identifies the product that is ordered.
StatusID Foreign key to the Status table; the actual status of the item.
InvoiceIssuer ID Auto-generated primary key.
Name Name of the company selling the products.
ZipCode The zip code of the address.
City The city part of the address.
Street The street and house number part of the address.
TaxIdentifier Tax identifier of the company.
BankAccount Bank account number of the company.
Invoice ID Auto-generated primary key.
CustomerName The name of the customer; printed on the invoice.
CustomerZipCode The zip code of the address.
CustomerCity The city part of the address.
CustomerStreet The street and house number part of the address.
PrintedCopies Number of copies printed of this invoice.
Cancelled Has the invoice been cancelled?
PaymentMethod Payment method of the invoice (text name).
CreationDate Date when the invoice was created.
DeliveryDate Delivery date of the invoice.
PaymentDeadline Deadline of the payment.
InvoiceIssuerID Foreign key to the InvoiceIssuer table; the issuer of the invoice.
OrderID Foreign key to the Order table; the order out of which this invoice was created.
InvoiceItem ID Auto-generated primary key.
Name Name of the product; printed on the invoice.
Amount The amount ordered of the specific product.
Price The unit price of the product; by default this is the price of the product, but can be altered (e.g., for bulk order).
VATPercentage The effective percentage of the tax applied.
InvoiceID Foreign key to the Invoice table; the invoice this item is part of.
OrderItemID Foreign key to the OrderItem table; the item out of which this invoice item was created.



Invoices cannot be altered once issued; they can only be canceled. Therefore all data that appears on the order are copied into the Invoice and InvoiceItem tables once the invoice is created. There is only a single original copy of the invoice; therefore, the number of printed copies is recorded.

Invoice issuer

The issuer of the invoices changes very infrequently. However, in case it changes, existing invoices must remain unaltered. The issuer of the invoice is recorded in a separate table, and only one is in effect at all times. Each invoice references the right InvoiceIssuerId at the time.


The VAT percentage of products can change at any time. However, existing invoices must not be altered. Therefore the actual VAT percentage is stored with the invoice when created and not referenced from the VAT table.

Product description

Some products contain an additional XML description, such as the following example.

    Requires battery (not part of the package).
  <recommended_age>0-18 m</recommended_age>

2023-03-03 Contributors