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1. MSSQL server-side programming

You may earn 4 points by completing this exercise.

Use GitHub Classroom to get your git repository. You can find the invitation link in Moodle. Clone the repository created via the link. It contains a skeleton and the expected structure of your submission. You need to create a branch, named solution, and work on this branch. After completing the exercises and verifying them, commit and push your submission.

Check the required software and tools here.

Prepare the database

Create a new database with a name that matches your Neptun code. Run the database initialization script to create the tables in this database.

Neptun code is important

The exercise will ask you for a screenshot that must contain the database name with your Neptun code!

Exercise 0: Neptun code

Your very first task is to type your Neptun code into neptun.txt in the root of the repository.

Exercise 1: Password expiry maintenance (2 points)

Due to security reasons, we would like to enforce password expiry. For this, we will record the date when the password was last updated.

  1. Add a new column to the Customer table with the name PasswordExpiry storing a date: alter table [Customer] add [PasswordExpiry] datetime.

  2. Create a trigger that automatically fills the PasswordExpiry date column when the password value is updated. The new value should be the current date plus one year. The trigger shall calculate the value. When a new Customer is registered (inserted into the table), the column should always be populated automatically. However, when data is updated, only update the date if the password is changed. (E.g. if only the address is altered, the date should not be updated.) The trigger should only update the date for the inserted/modified record (it should not set it for all records in the table)! In this exercise, you may suppose that there could be more than one record inserted/modified at any time.

Make sure to verify the behavior of the trigger under various circumstances.


Submit the code of the trigger in file f1.sql. This sql file should contain a single statement (a single create trigger command) without any use or go commands.

Create a screenshot that displays sample records in the Customer table with the automatically populated date values. Make sure that the database name and your Neptun code are visible on the screenshot. Save the screenshot as f1.png and upload it as part of your submission!

Exercise 2: Invoice Cancellation (2 points)

We would like to provide an option to cancel orders using a stored procedure. This procedure will invalidate an invoice identified by the customer's name and the order ID, then restore the inventory by iterating through the items associated with the order.

  1. Create a stored procedure named cancel_invoice that accepts two parameters: the customer's name (named name) and the order ID (named orderId).

  2. The stored procedure should verify whether an invoice exists with the given information. If not, it should throw an exception. The exception's error_number should be 51000.

  3. If the data is valid, the stored procedure should retrieve all the products listed on the invoice, check the quantities ordered, and add those quantities back to the inventory. (HINT: You may need to gather data from multiple tables, or possibly use a cursor).

Test the procedure to ensure it works correctly!


Submit the trigger code in the f2.sql file. The SQL file should contain only a single statement (just one create procedure cancel_invoice), and should not include any use or go commands!

Create a screenshot showing the execution of the stored procedure and its effects, as well as what happens when incorrect data is provided (you can use a window with two tabs, for example). The screenshot should display the name of your database (your Neptun code). Save the screenshot as f2.png and submit it as part of your solution!


After pushing your code to the solution branch, create a PR and assign your instructor (github username: akosdudas) to it! (more details: on the assignment submission page)

In the evaluation, you will see the text “imsc” in the exercise title; this is meant for the Hungarian students. Please ignore that.

The database contains an xml column with the name Description in the Product table. This column has values for some of the records.

An example for the content is below:

  <description>Requires battery (not part of the package).</description>
  <recommended_age>0-18 m</recommended_age>

We want to extract the recommended_age and move it to a new column in the table.

  1. Add a new column to the Product table with name RecommendedAge storing a text: alter table [Product] add [RecommendedAge] nvarchar(200). (Do not submit this statement in the solution.)

  2. Create a T-SQL script that extracts the content of the <recommended_age> tag from the xml and moves the value into the RecommendedAge column of the table. If the xml description is empty or there is no <recommended_age> tag, the column's value should be NULL. Otherwise, take the tag's text content (without the tag name), copy the value into the column, and remove the tag from the xml. You can presume that there is at most one <recommended_age> element in the xml.


Submit the T-SQL code in file f3.sql. Do not use a stored procedure in this exercise; create a simple T-SQL code block. This sql file should be executable by itself and should not contain any use or go commands.

Create a screenshot that displays the content of the Product table after running the script. The new column and the populated values should be visible on the screenshot. Make sure that the database name and your Neptun code are visible on the screenshot. Save the screenshot as f3.png and upload it as part of your submission!

2024-12-19 Contributors