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Exercise: ADO.NET data access

This exercise is optional. You may earn 2 points by completing this exercise.

Use GitHub Classroom to get your git repository. You can find the invitation link in Moodle. Clone the repository created via the link. It contains a skeleton and the expected structure of your submission. After completing the exercises and verifying them, commit and push your submission.

Check the required software and tools here. This homework uses MSSQL database.

Exercise 0: Neptun code

Your very first task is to type your Neptun code into neptun.txt in the root of the repository.

Exercise 1: Product repository (2 points)

Create repository class for managing the Product entities; use ADO.NET Connection technology. Open the sln file from the checked-out folder using Visual Studio. Find classes Repository.ProductRepository and Model.Product. Implement the following methods of class ProductRepository:

  • Search(string name): find all products in the database matching the provided name, and return them as C# objects. If the name filter argument is null, the method should return all products; otherwise, it should match names that contain the specified string in a case-insensitive manner!
  • FindById(int id): returns a single product matched by the ID, or returns null if not found.
  • Update(Product p) updates the properties of a product in the database based on the values received as parameter. Update the Name, Price, and Stock values, and you may ignore the rest.
  • Delete(int id) should delete the product specified by the ID from the database - if such product exists. The method shall return whether the delete was successful. (You need to delete the product record only; do not remove other referenced records. In case deletion is blocked due to foreign key constraints, do not catch the error; let the caller see the error.)

You should mind the following requirements:

  • Only make changes to class ProductRepository!
  • In the repository code open the ADO.NET connection using the connection string in field connectionString (and do not use TestConnectionStringHelper here).
  • You need to find the tax percentage of the product too. In the returned instance of Model.Product you must include the percentage of the referenced VAT record and not the ID of this VAT record! The name of the category of the product has to be retrieved similarly.
  • You may only use ADO.NET.
  • You must prohibit SQL injection.
  • Make no changes to Model.Product in this exercise!
  • Do not change the definition of class ProductRepository (do not change the class's name, nor the constructor or method declarations); only write the method bodies.

There are unit tests available in the solution. You can run the unit tests in Visual Studio, or if you are using another IDE (e.g., VS Code and dotnet cli), then run the tests using the cli. You may update the database connection string in class TestConnectionStringHelper if needed.


The tests presume that the database is in its initial state. Re-run the database initialization script to restore this state.

Do NOT change the unit tests. You may temporarily alter the unit tests if you need to, but make sure to reset your changes before committing.


Upload the changed C# source code.

Create a screenshot displaying the successfully executed unit tests. You can run the tests in Visual Studio or using dotnet cli. Make sure that the screenshot includes the source code of the repository (as much as you can fit on the screenshot), and the test execution outcome! Save the screenshot as f1.png and upload it as part of your submission!

If you are using dotnet cli to run the tests, make sure to display the test names too. Use the -v n command line switch to set detailed logging.

The image does not need to show the exact same source code that you submit; there can be some minor changes. If the tests run successfully and you create the screenshot, then later you make some minor change to the source, there is no need for you to update the screenshot.

Exercise 2 optional: Optimistic concurrency handling (0 points)

In the evaluation, you will see the text “imsc” in the exercise title; this is meant for the Hungarian students. Please ignore that.

When updating a product in the database, the code shall identify and prohibit overwriting a previously unseen modification. Implement this behavior in ProductRepository.UpdateWithConcurrencyCheck. This method shall deny the update if it discovers a lost update concurrency issue.

The specific sequence of events that we want to prohibit:

  1. User A queries a product.
  2. User B fetches the same product.
  3. User A changes a property, such as the price, then updates the database with this change.
  4. User B makes a change to the product properties (either the price property, or another one), and overwrites the changes made by user A without noticing it.

Optimistic concurrency handling

Use the technique of optimistic concurrency handling to resolve this issue. You must not use transactions here, since the query and the data update happens over a longer period without maintaining a database connection. Do not use multiple SQL statements either, as in-between the execution of multiple statements the database content can change resulting in your application not working with the latest data. Implement the method ProductRepository.UpdateWithConcurrencyCheck, and also update Model.Product as needed. You may not add any new columns to the database.

You should mind the following requirements:

  • Only make changes to the method ProductRepository.UpdateWithConcurrencyCheck and class Model.Product!
  • The method shall indicate as return value whether the change was saved (that it, it discovered no concurrency issues).
  • Explain the behavior in a C# comment in method UpdateWithConcurrencyCheck (in 2-3 sentences).
  • Solve the exercise with using a single SQL command!
  • You may only use ADO.NET.
  • You must prohibit SQL injection.
  • Do not change the definition of class ProductRepository (do not change the name of the class, nor the constructor or method declarations); only write the single method body.
  • Do not change the constructor signature of the class Model.Product (number, order, or names of the parameters), but you may change the body. Do not alter any existing properties of the class, but you can add new ones.


Upload the changed C# source code. Do not forget the explanation comment!

2023-09-12 Contributors