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The seminar's goal is to understand the concepts of the MongoDB document database and the usage of the MongoDB C#/.NET Driver.


Required tools to complete the tasks:

Recommended to review:

How to work during the seminar

The exercises are solved together with the instructor. A few exercises we can try to solve by ourselves and then discuss the results. The final exercise is individual work if time permits.

This guide summarizes and explains the behavior. Before looking at these provided answers, we should think first!

Exercise 0: Create database, open starter code

  1. Open a PowerShell console (search for PowerShell in the Start menu and start it, but not the one with "ISE" in the same - that is not the console).

  2. Copy and paste the script into the console and run it by pressing enter. Please note, that you might need to change the the directory name in the last command, e.g., if the app version is different.

    Remove-Item c:\work\mongodatabase -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
    New-Item -Type Directory c:\work\mongodatabase
    c:\tools\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe --dbpath c:\work\mongodatabase

    Keep this window open because the server is running here. You can stop it by pressing Ctrl+C at the end of the class.

  3. Launch VSCode and connect to the MongoDB server with the extension.

    Connection Settings

  4. Let us create a new database by right-clicking the connection (localhost). This opens a playground script window, where we paste our database creation script from innen, and run it with the black “play” button found in the header. The name of the database should be datadriven. As a result, the collections should be created - open the elements of the database to check this.

    Connection Settings

    Created Collections

  5. Download the starter solution!

    • Open a new command prompt or PowerShell console (do not use the one the server is running in)
    • Navigate to a folder, e.g. c:\work\NEPTUN
    • Execute the following command:

      git clone
  6. Open the sln file from the newly created folder using Visual Studio. Let us examine this project.

    • This is a .NET console application. The structure resembles the structure of the Entity Framework project seen before: directory Entities contains the database entities while our code will be written into Program.cs.
    • Program.cs already contains the initialization of the connection to MongoDB.
      • Interface IMongoClient is used for all communication with the database. We will not use this directly.
      • Interface IMongoDatabase represents the database datadriven within the MongoDB server.
      • And the IMongoCollection<TEntity> interfaces represent the specific collections we can use to execute queries and modification commands.
    • The database documents are mapped to the C# entity classes in folder Entities. A major difference compared to the behavior previously seen in Entity Framework is that these classes were not generated by written manually.
      • Most entities are already mapped.
      • We will create one more class during an exercise.

Exercise 1: Queries

Write C# code using the MongoDB C#/.NET Driver in the following exercises. Print the results to the console.

  1. List the names and the amount of stock of all products that we have more than 30 in stock!

  2. List the orders that consist of at least two items!

  3. List the orders that have a total value of at least 30.000! For each order, print the customer name, and list all items of the order (with the product name, amount, and price).

  4. Find the most expensive product!

  5. List the products that have been ordered at least twice!

  1. We need only the product collection and execute a simple query. The filter criteria can be written as a Lambda-expression and with the builder syntax too.

    Console.WriteLine("***** Exercise one *****");
    // 1.1 first solution
    Console.WriteLine("\t1.1 First solution:");
    var qProductAndStock1 = productsCollection
        .Find(p => p.Stock > 30)
    foreach (var p in qProductAndStock1)
    // 1.1 second solution
    Console.WriteLine("\t1.1 Second solution:");
    var qProductAndStock2 = productsCollection
        .Find(Builders<Product>.Filter.Gt(p => p.Stock, 30))
    foreach (var p in qProductAndStock2)
  2. This is similar to the previous one. We may note that we would have needed a join in a relational database, but we have everything at hand here.

    // 1.2 first solution
    Console.WriteLine("\t1.2 First solution:");
    var qOrderItems1 = ordersCollection
        .Find(o => o.OrderItems.Length >= 2)
    foreach (var o in qOrderItems1)
    // 1.2 second solution
    Console.WriteLine("\t1.2 Second solution:");
    var qOrderItems2 = ordersCollection
        .Find(Builders<Order>.Filter.SizeGte(o => o.OrderItems, 2))
    foreach (var o in qOrderItems2)
  3. A simple query is not sufficient for this exercise; thus, we need the aggregation pipeline. We may still note that every information we need is still available in one collection.

    // 1.3
    var qOrderTotal = ordersCollection
        .Project(order => new
            CustomerID = order.CustomerID,
            OrderItems = order.OrderItems,
            Total = order.OrderItems.Sum(oi => oi.Amount * oi.Price)
        .Match(order => order.Total > 30000)
    foreach (var o in qOrderTotal)
        foreach (var oi in o.OrderItems)
  4. To find the most expensive product, we need two queries: first, find the largest price value, then find the products with this price.

    // 1.4
    var maxPrice = productsCollection
        .Find(_ => true)
        .SortByDescending(p => p.Price)
        .Project(p => p.Price)
    var qProductMax = productsCollection
        .Find(p => p.Price == maxPrice)
    foreach (var t in qProductMax)
  5. This exercise is complicated with our current database scheme because we do not have everything at hand within one collection. We need the product information from one collection, and the order details from another one.

    We will be doing a "join" in the client-side, that is, in C# code. The solution's outline is to query the orders, then in C# gather the orders by product, and finally, query the product details.

    // 1.5
    var qOrders = ordersCollection
        .Find(_ => true)
    var productOrders = qOrders
        .SelectMany(o => o.OrderItems) // All order items into one list
        .GroupBy(oi => oi.ProductID)
        .Where(p => p.Count() >= 2);
    var qProducts = productsCollection
        .Find(_ => true)
    var productLookup = qProducts.ToDictionary(p => p.ID);
    foreach (var p in productOrders)
        var product = productLookup.GetValueOrDefault(p.Key);

    This solution is very elegant and works only for small databases. Suppose we face a similar task under real-life circumstances. We have two choices: denormalize the database scheme and copy product details into the orders, or create an aggregation pipeline executed by the server that does something similar to the code above (MongoDB can do that, but it will not be very fast).

Exercise 2: Create a new entity class

  1. Examine the classes Product and VAT. Why is there a field with a [BsonId] attribute in class Product and not in class VAT?

  2. Create a new entity class for mapping Category document, then add and initialize a IMongoCollection<Category> field next to the others.

  1. Class Product represents the products collection; therefore each item has a unique ObjectID. On the other hand, class VAT is an embedded field used by Product and has no collection on its own; hence it needs no id.

  2. Create our new Category POCO class.

    Let us check a few sample documents using VSCode in categories collection.

    Categories documents

    Create a new class Category in folder Entities with matching fields as below.

    using MongoDB.Bson;
    using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes;
    namespace BME.DataDriven.Mongo.Entitites
        public class Category
            public ObjectId ID { get; set; }
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public ObjectId? ParentCategoryID { get; set; }

    Add a new collection interface field in Program.cs as follows.

    private static IMongoCollection<Category> categoriesCollection;

    And assign the value in the initialize method to get the collection.

    categoriesCollection = database.GetCollection<Category>("categories");

Exercise 3: Data modification

The collection classes IMongoColection<TEntity> can also be used to execute modification operations.

  1. Write C# code that increases the price of all products in category "LEGO" by 10 percent!

  2. Create a new category named Expensive toys and move all products here that cost more than 8000!

  3. Delete all categories that contain no products.

  1. Find the ID of the category then update all products that have this category id.

    Console.WriteLine("***** Exercise three *****");
    var categoryLegoId = categoriesCollection
        .Find(c => c.Name == "LEGO")
        .Project(c => c.ID)
    var qProductLego = productsCollection
        .Find(p => p.CategoryID == categoryLegoId)
    Console.WriteLine("\t\tBefore modification:");
    foreach (var p in qProductLego)
        filter: p => p.CategoryID == categoryLegoId,
        update: Builders<Product>.Update.Mul(p => p.Price, 1.1));
    qProductLego = productsCollection
        .Find(p => p.CategoryID == categoryLegoId)
    Console.WriteLine("\t\tAfter modification:");
    foreach (var p in qProductLego)
  2. MongoDB can execute the following sequence of steps in a single atomic step: "Get me category Expensive toys. If it does not exist, create it." We will use FindOneAndUpdate to achieve this.

    var catExpensiveToys = categoriesCollection.FindOneAndUpdate<Category>(
        filter: c => c.Name == "Expensive toys",
        update: Builders<Category>.Update.SetOnInsert(c => c.Name, "Expensive toys"),
        options: new FindOneAndUpdateOptions<Category, Category> { IsUpsert = true, ReturnDocument = ReturnDocument.After });
        filter: p => p.Price > 8000,
        update: Builders<Product>.Update.Set(p => p.CategoryID, catExpensiveToys.ID));
    var qProdExpensive = productsCollection
        .Find(p => p.CategoryID == catExpensiveToys.ID)
    foreach (var p in qProdExpensive)
  3. Query categories that contain any product, then delete the ones that do not belong among this list.

    Console.WriteLine($"\t\tBefore modification: {categoriesCollection.CountDocuments(_ => true)} categories");
    var qProductCategory = new HashSet<ObjectId>(
            .Find(_ => true)
            .Project(p => p.CategoryID)
    categoriesCollection.DeleteMany(c => !qProductCategory.Contains(c.ID));
    Console.WriteLine($"\t\tAfter modification: {categoriesCollection.CountDocuments(_ => true)} categories");

    Let us note that this is not an atomic operation. If a product was added concurrently, we could have deleted its category.

2023-10-10 Contributors